lean manufacturing, healthcare, review of literatureAbstract
The healthcare environment aims at improving and quality in health management, with trends and practices in hospitals, institutions, clinics, laboratories and companies in this segment, with the purpose of bringing more comfort and better conditions in the care of patients. Faced with the difficulties of this area, it becomes increasingly important to reduce waste and improve processes. The goal of this paper is to carry out a systematic review of literature on the topic lean manufacturing in healthcare. The data were obtained from four online databases Web of Science, Science Direct, Emerald Insight and Scopus. Articles indexed in the last 10 years were selected (2006-2016). To select articles, an advanced search was performed using the Boolean expression "E" that combined keywords for better specific results. Professionals working in the health segment will have the concepts and applied techniques, in addition to the work indexed in recent years, which will facilitate the research and development of the work, translating into increased efficiency and ultimately, improvement for the population. Despite the importance of the theme, there are few lean manufacturing jobs applied in the healthcare environment. This research can stimulate future studies due to its applicability for the improvement of health services.Downloads
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