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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Each author submitted the maximum of two articles in the year to the RPD (non-simultaneous submissions), regardless of their position in the authorship (author or co-author). That is, if one author submits one article as the first author and another as the third author, he can not submit any other article that year.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word format. Submitted article has 4000 to 8000 words. The article is original and unpublished, nationally and internationally. It is not under consideration for publication in any other journal. Papers from preprint and conference proceedings are considered, preferably in a language different from the one previously published, and provided they are expanded and are in their final form for publication.
  • The author will be accepting the license "Creative Commons Attribution" remaining holder of his moral rights (authorship and identification in the work), as established in the specific legislation.
  • The author who is submitting the article is totally entitled to give "Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento", free of charge, the rights of transformation, reproduction and public communication of the complete text in its repository and in others that the journal comes indexing.
  • The submission uses the template ( and follows the style standards and APA bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors.
  • The text uses the template and is single spaced; uses a 12-point times roman font with single leading and spacing after each 6-point paragraph; employs italics instead of underlining (except for URL addresses); figures and tables are included in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments.
  • at least 50% of the references cited in the article are from articles published in journals in the last 3 years.
  • The Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento - RPD is open access with a Creative Commons license. It complies with the communication practices of the Open Science. To this end, in "Comments for the Editor", the author is asked to inform: (a) whether the Submission appears on any article preprint server and, if so, its location; (b) whether they wish to make data, program codes, and other materials available to the scientific community; and, (c) if they desire options of openness in the peer review process (publication of reviews). Reviewers are asked about their desire to make available the disclosure of reviews of approved articles.

Author Guidelines

General Recommendations

There is no charge for any amount, either in the submission or publication of articles. To maintain this free collaborative activity, we have set a target of 120 days from the time that elapses between the receipt and publication of articles. For this we adopt a continuous flow publishing system. 

Following the philosophy of open access, the RPD gives the option for authors to make their databases available as attachments, as well as the opinion received, if the reviewer also agrees with the disclosure. For submission, RPD also accepts articles that are deposited on preprint servers, as long as they are not submitted to other journals.

Between 2015 and 2019 the references were in accordance with ABNT rules and appearing in alphabetical order. From 2020 onwards this journal adopts APA rules ( 

Since July/2019 RPD publish articles with structured abstracts (must contain: Purpose, Methodology/Approach, Findings, Research Limitation/implication, Originality/Value of paper) in English and a second language that can be Portuguese or Spanish. Abstract, Resumo or Resumen must contain the same information and should not exceed 200 words each. Articles must contain between 4.000 and 8.000 words.

Above the Abstract, it must include 3 to 5 keywords. It is required that the descriptors be different words from those used in the title, in order to improve the search engine functionality. Important that Keywords be taken from International Thesaurus' (e.g. EurydiceERIC, UNESCO).

Record at the end of the article submission the contribution CRediT of each of authors and contributors. See and use the template file.

This journal register in the submission metadata the authors ORCID iD.

For affiliation presentation, authors must present, primarily, their institutional links with educational institutions, prioritizing those with a labor relationship, and in sequence, if they do not have a labor relationship as a researcher or teacher, they should indicate the relationship as a student.

RPD accepts  articles in preprint, as long as they are not submitted to other journal. 

Papers that have used human beings as object of study or animal experimentation must indicate in the text the number of the approval by the respective Committees of Ethics. 



The article must be submitted by the electronic system of the journal in ".doc" format, with tables and figures included in the body of the text. The entire body of the text should be written in Times New Roman, size 12, justified and with single line spacing, and between paragraphs from zero to item before and 6 points to after. The page margins should be 2 cm (top and bottom) and 2 cm (left and right). All paragraphs should have no tabulation. Tables and figures should be quoted in full in the text body (eg, Figure 1, Table 1). Throughout the text, the international system of units (IS) should be used to indicate measures.

The availability of a template for submission aims to standardize the graphic standard of the journal, reducing the publishing period, and making possible the scheduled periodicity. Do not use footnotes. It is hoped that this document will support the formatting of articles submitted to RPD, with a view to establishing a textual and graphic standard, minimizing revision by submissions without the expected formatting. These standards are suitable for the main journals and indexing criteria and have as main objectives:

a) To facilitate the correction of texts;

b) Assist the author in the formatting process;

c) Standardize the style and layout of the journal (covers, logos, layout and content).



In Introduction article section, the author should describe the state of the art of the problem, as well as justify and present the problem and the objectives of his article. The introduction is the opening text of the article, which should present: general considerations about the theme, other similar articles published recently in journals about the theme, the science gap, the purpose and objectives of the proposed article, as well as limitations among other relevant issues that explore the topic addressed, and the contribution of the article. At the end of the Introduction section (a last paragraph), you must present a presentation of the article. Similar to a summary.

The text must present a scientific language and cannot be written in the first person. Must be original, unpublished, and be written in English. Article texts in Portuguese or Spanish are also accepted.



A Theory section should extend, not repeat, the background to the article already dealt with in the Introduction and lay the foundation for future articles. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.

The Literature Review must give cientific support to the developed article, that is, the state of the art must be presented. It is expected that the author presents traditional references on the subjects investigated, in addition the journal request that at least 65% of the cited references used be from articles published in journals in the last 3 years.



Provide sufficient details to allow the work to be reproduced by an independent researcher. 

Papers that have used human beings as object of study or animal experimentation must indicate in the text the number of the approval by the respective Committees of Ethics. 



The results must be clear and dialog with the literature review presented. Discussion should explore the significance of the results, not repeat them. A combined Results and Discussion section is often appropriate. Please ensure the figures and the tables included in the single file are placed next to the relevant text in the manuscript, rather than at the bottom or the top of the file. The corresponding caption should be placed directly below the figure or table.

Mathematical formulas and tables must be sent as editable text and not as images.


The main conclusions of the study can be presented in a short section, which should present the results achieved in the study, which science gap was able to contribute, the limitations of the research, the expected findings and unexpected findings, if any, and suggestions for future studies.


  1. REFERENCES (news for 2020)

The bibliography must not include any references not cited in the text. Bibliographic citations must be included as references to the text. The number of references must be sufficient. Given its importance for the purposes of indexing citations and impact factor calculations, the correct citation will be evaluated according to the 7th edition of APA style ( edition ), capable of valuing the inclusion not only of national but also international references, from prestigious international magazines
The reference text must use Times New Roman and font size 10, without tabs and single spacing. Only references cited in the article should be mentioned. Justified alignment and 6-point spacing must be maintained between references.

Whenever possible, provide the DOI or, failing that, URLs for references. Use the free tool:



Territorial Affairs

This section encourages new ideas and ways of working related to public management for global, regional and local territorial development. Publishes original articles that brings together academic rigour and practical perspectives with knowledge of development, sharing ideas and experiences among practitioners, scholars, policy shapers, and activists.

Management Affairs

This section publishes scientific research into the problems, interest, and concerns of managers who manage product and services. The editors welcomes original articles using research paradigm that covers all topics in productive systems, market studies, operations, and supply chain management.


Dossier "Energy and climate: their impact on the built environment and the industrial productive complex"

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses informed in this journal will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, not being made available for other purposes or to third parties.