Dossier "Energy and climate: their impact on the built environment and the industrial productive complex"

Dossier "Energy and climate: their impact on the built environment and the industrial productive complex"


Special Issue Information:

Climate change is having evident impacts on a global scale, affecting land, oceans, and the atmosphere. Reports from the World Meteorological Organization indicate that in 2021, record values were observed for four key indicators: greenhouse gas concentration, sea level rise, ocean heat content, and ocean acidification. Moreover, the past seven years have been the warmest on record, and in 2021, the global average temperature was approximately 1.11 ± 0.13 °C higher than pre-industrial levels.

These indicators clearly demonstrate the influence of human activities on the environment. A critical aspect of this issue is the role of energy systems and their associated greenhouse gas emissions, which heavily rely on fossil fuels in both consumption and production. According to British Petroleum, in 2021 approximately 80% of the world's primary energy came from fossil fuels, while in Latin America this value was around 65%.

In this context, research and scientific developments that explore the interconnections between energy and climate variables in various domains, such as the territory, the built environment, the productive complex, energy systems, and among others, are becoming increasingly relevant.

For this reason, the Journal Research and Development is pleased to announce a special issue entitled “Energy and climate: their impact on the built environment and the industrial productive complex”. This edition seeks contributions that aim to decrease reliance on fossil fuels through the implementation of energy efficiency measures and the utilization of renewable energy sources. Likewise, studies that examine in detail the impact of climate change in the aforementioned areas will also be highly valued. Methodological approaches may include physical or mathematical modeling, simulations, prototypes development, measurements, literature reviews, and bibliometric analyses, among other possibilities.

We cordially invite papers addressing the following topics, although submissions are not limited to them.



-Impact of climate change on energy consumption and/or generation patterns.

- Territorial analysis models that establish connections between energy and climate at various scales.

-Support systems and resource mapping for decision making aiming at implementing renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.

-Evaluation of urban morphologies and their impact on energy consumption, interaction with urban microclimate, heat island, solar potential, among other aspects.

-Design of open urban spaces with energy efficiency criteria.

-Methodologies and implementation of energy retrofits.

-Assessment of urban growth scenarios, implementation of energy efficient strategies and analysis of their impact on energy demand, land use occupation, external environment temperatures, resource utilization, etc.

-Theoretical-experimental development or implementation of technologies for the bioclimatic use of active systems for the management and/or generation of energy in buildings.

-Theoretical-experimental development or implementation of technologies for energy efficiency, implementation of non-conventional sources and/or carbon capture in industries.

-Studies in general on the achievement of carbon neutrality.

-Assessment of the impact of extreme weather events and their incidence on consumption and/or generation patterns in energy systems, in the built environment and/or in industry.

-Analysis of the energy-water-food-soil nexus in urban and productive environments.

-Evaluation of regulations, policies, programs, incentives, and market mechanisms related to climate and energy.

-Other related.


Proposed Dates:

Submission of papers: until march 15, 2023.

Notification of acceptance of papers: april 2023.

Publication of approved papers: may 2023.


Invited Editors

Dr. Pedro Chévez

Investigador Asistente del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Instituto de Investigaciones y Políticas del Ambiente Construido (IIPAC CONICET-UNLP). La Plata, Argentina.


Dra. Graciela Viegas

Investigadora Adjunta del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET). Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP). Instituto de Investigaciones y Políticas del Ambiente Construido (IIPAC CONICET-UNLP). La Plata, Argentina.


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