The production of mate herb (ilex paraguariensis) in the context of family agriculture in the municipality of Cruz Machado - PR (Brazil)
mate herb, family farming, local developmentAbstract
The general objective of the research was to evaluate the participation of mate herb (Ilex paraguariensis) in the economic context of the Municipality of Cruz Machado in the state of Paraná, their perspectives of local development and income generation in the family farming system. The methodology used was the bibliographical research and consultation on line in the main organ and secretaries, plus the field work with the investigation of some rural properties of the municipality of Cruz Machado. In family agriculture systems, the logistic of relief occupations is associated with the geomorphological characteristics and the size of the farming properties. In Cruz Machado, the family farming system predominates, and mate herb has always been an extra alternative in supplementing farmers' incomes, and in 2013 it contributes more than 15% of the municipality's annual GDP. And today the production of mate herb represents a complementation in the income of the families of the municipality of Cruz Machado, but that can have a maximization of production allied to geoecological characteristics of the region and contribute to the local development.Downloads
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