The solar thermal industry development program (prodist). Scope and limitations of an explicit public policy for energy transition in Argentina.
solar thermal energy, energy transition, public policies, productive developmentAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyze the design and implementation process of the solar thermal industry development program (PRODIST) in Argentina, evaluating its scope and limitations from a policy analysis approach. This program was developed by the Ministry of Productive Development in 2021, as an alternative that proposes to strengthen the production of national water solar heaters by aligning the reduction of emissions and household energy expenditure, tax savings on energy and foreign exchange subsidies due to reduction of imports, with the expansion of an industrial sector of national capital, and made up mainly of small and medium-sized companies.The paper was carried out based on a qualitative analysis of information obtained from in-depth interviews with different actors involved in the program, participant observation at different stages of the program implementation process and documentation review. In this way, the design and implementation process of the program could be reconstructed, highlighting its achievements, analyzing the difficulties it faces and evaluating the challenges it faces for the future within the framework of the energy transition in Argentina.Downloads
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