Expectations and perspectives regarding renewable energies in Argentina. Analysis of the renovar program (2015-2019)





renewable energies, energy policies, renovar program


Objective: This article proposes to investigate the meanings attributed by different actors to renewable energy policies, specifically to the Renovar program, during the presidency of Mauricio Macri (2015-2019). Approach and methodology. This work is the product of a qualitative case study investigation. The theoretical perspective is framed in the field of science, technology and society (STS) studies. The process of construction of a technology is analyzed, understood as the assignment of meaning given to it by the relevant social groups that interact with it. Results. Five social groups were identified in the design of Renovar that raised objectives and demands related to renewable energies. With the implementation process, the meanings were transformed, evidencing the prevalence of a mercantile imaginary that defined the beneficiaries and the victims of the policy. Limitations. The challenges are related to the difficulties in the operation of grouping the meanings so that the object is approachable. Originality. From a constructivist perspective, dimensions related to the rationalities of the actors who assign meaning to renewable energies and determine whether or not they function are addressed. A socio-technical analysis is proposed, understanding technologies beyond materiality.


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How to Cite

Ruggeri, E., & Garrido, S. (2024). Expectations and perspectives regarding renewable energies in Argentina. Analysis of the renovar program (2015-2019). Revista Produção E Desenvolvimento, 10(1), e708. https://doi.org/10.32358/rpd.2024.v10.708