Formalization of business processes, Production Planning and Control (PPC), Industrial duct production.Abstract
This study takes place in a small scale company, which manufactures industrial ducts for HVAC systems, and is located in the town of Nova Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro State. This company has experienced variability problems in its final products, many of which are related to the absence of standardization and formalization of its processes for manufacturing management, and production planning and control (PPC). In methodological terms, a participatory research is conducted, which includes the systematic observation and informal dialogue with collaborators and managers, aiming to identify opportunities to fine-tune the processes. The designing of processes, as well as the analysis and proposal of new processes, is handled through the Bizagi software. As for the results, following the proposals of new processes, their implementation and validation within the company researched, the study, through the measurement of corporate indicators, showed that the formalization of processes was a relevant practice towards the improvement of operational performance of the company, and presents itself as a possible inspiration for small manufacturing companies that experience similar problems.Downloads
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