Mapping and analysis of the assignment concepts process at academic secretaries of Colegio Pedro II: reflections and proposals for improvement
process management, mapping and analysis processes, BPM, academic departments, Pedro II.Abstract
The Colegio Pedro II was equated to Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology by Law 12677 Publication of June 25, 2012. If, on the one hand, this equalization resulted in an expressive organizational restructuring, with growth of the number of educational units, in addition to the incorporation of new educational levels, on the other, this institutional growth was dissociated from efforts of standardization of administrative processes, notably, under the academic departments of different units – where it shows a variation of the process of launching notes/concepts. In order to contribute with improvements to the operation of the institution, the present article aims to map and analyse comparatively the launch process of notes/concepts in three campus of the Colegio Pedro II. Methodologically, are held in-person interviews with professionals responsible for the academic departments of the following units, Engenho Novo I, Humaita I and Realengo I, in order to obtain the necessary subsidies to support the design of the processes performed by these academic departments units. As a result, it can be verified that the processes of the academic departments are not aligned to any system of performance indicators, which motivated the proposal of a standard process for the launching of notes/concepts, as well as a performance indicators panel (KPIs).Downloads
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