Professional qualification: beyond the professional, a social perspective
Youth, Vocational Training, Labour Market.Abstract
The purpose of this article is to discuss the implications of the professional qualification for the inclusion of young graduates of residential care in the labor market. Noteworthy is the analysis of professional qualification category, which should also be seen as social, and how this had its planning and execution affected by the metamorphoses of the world of work. Such metamorphoses also had strong repercussions in the insertion of young workers in the labor market. At this juncture will discuss the difficulties and challenges encountered by the worker and the implications of the professional qualification in that process, especially through the experiences and experiences reported by young people interviewed. The study was essentially qualitative, in his methodological approach to conducting a semi-structured interviews with young graduates and employees of the institution, a questionnaire with these young people and literature. Finally, it is stated that there are many challenges to be faced by young people who were in institutional care; these challenges involve several repercussions on the life of this young graduate, among them the inclusion of difficulties in community life and in the labor market.Downloads
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