Cross-Functional Integration at Agribusiness Brazilian Organizations
performance, process, outsourcing, organizational, risksAbstract
Purpose: This study aims to analyze how the integration between functions can be characterized in a context which one of the functions is outsourced. Four organizations were surveyed as the subject of the study; a multinational industry of agricultural inputs, an agricultural cooperative and two logistics companies outsourced by the multinational and the cooperative. Methodology/Approach: A multicase study was conducted. Data collection was done through interviews and personal observation, setting up a qualitative approach. Findings: Six categories and their properties were identified for each organization: contact points, requirements, culture, conflict, control and flexibility, and integration factors. Research Limitation/implication: The main limitation of the research lies in the analysis of a single sector, the logistics area. In addition, the contractual relationships are both an agribusiness company with a carrier. Originality/Value of paper: The research findings are innovative for the study of the integration between internal and external functions between a main company with outsourced companies.Downloads
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