energy efficiency, renewable energy, Italy, residential sector.Abstract
Currently, the implementation of energy efficiency strategies (EES) and renewable energy sources (RES) is inside of the political agenda of many countries. However, the concrete progress in the effective implementation of these policies is still very different. On the one hand, there are specific cases of countries where the aforementioned technologies have been inserted effectively into their socio-technical regimes and the transition is ongoing. On the other hand, the vast majority of countries has not yet begun to face this process and, therefore, will have to face challenges and difficulties. In this regard, this paper presents an analysis of the energy transition that is developing steadily in the Italian residential sector from the mid-2000s (2006-2016). This analysis made it possible to identify, systematize and extract key factors from the case study; from which it is possible to discuss and generate inputs for other cases of study that intend to implement state policies for energy improvement.Downloads
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