Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement

Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento adopts practices of respect for ethical conduct and procedures to avoid bad practices in scientific production. Authors, Reviewers and Guest Editors must declare any potential conflict of interest regarding the articles/authors/funders.

The publisher has a duty to act on the suspected or alleged misconduct identified. This research extends to both submissions and published articles. This journal has as instruments: a) CRediT author statementb) COPE flowcharts to determine facts and determine the actions required in the resolution of cases; c) Scielo's Guidelines on Best Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publication, which are based on the guidelines of international committees specializing in research ethics.
All parties involved in the publishing process, including editors, reviewers, authors and others, should be familiar with the ethics guidelines for publication proposed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which can be found at Core Practices.

In general terms, the following statements described below:

1) Responsibility of the authors
- The authors are responsible for the content of their articles, as well as for the copyright of images, videos, and any textual or complementary elements of their article.
- The authors have agreed to work for free in the peer-review process for this journal in the future.
- The authors declare that they have significant contribution to the research disclosed in their article, if applicable.

- A paper should contain sufficient detail and references to permit others to replicate the work.
- The authors must offer to the journal retractions or corrections of possible errors.
- The authors must ensure that their text is original and must not submit the same text to more than one journal.

- The presentation of the Ethics Committee report of the researcher’s institution is mandatory if the article has been written based on a research that involves risks to participants.

2) The review process
- All the content of the journal is subjected to peer review by the method of double-blind peer review.
- Peer review is the process of having opinions on individual manuscripts of reviewers skilled in the field. This process is explicitly described on our website.
- The opinions should be as objective as possible and sufficiently grounded to improve the research and the text assessed.
- The reviewers should not have conflicts of interest when performing a review and they declare this in writing in the system of the journal.
- The reviewers should always address texts or excerpts already published and that have not been properly cited.
- All articles being reviewed are treated with confidentiality.
- The journal understands that any form of plagiarism is not acceptable and uses anti-plagiarism review tools.
- The final decision on the publication of an article is taken by the editors. Whenever an article has academic quality and meets the criteria established by the journal, it is forwarded to the double-blind peer review process, which is done by at least two reviewers.
- The only assessment criteria of the articles are their academic merit and their contribution to the improvement of the knowledge in the field; there is no discrimination of authors, for any reasons.
- Editors are not allowed to use information contained in the articles being reviewed without the explicit consent of the authors.
- The editors are available to answer any ethical question related to a submission.

3) Ethics in Publishing
- Editors take considerable efforts to avoid and prevent the publication of articles in which research misconduct occurred.
- Under no circumstances we encourage misconduct or allow them to happen.
- Any allegation of research misconduct is immediately investigated.
- The journal publishes errata to correct articles when necessary.
- The journal strives to publish corrections, clarifications, right of reply, retractions, and apologies when necessary.

4) Copyright and Universal Access
- All articles are offered free of any access fees and are available in their entirety to any reader without the need of registration or password.
- The Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento - RPD is open access with a Creative Commons license. It complies with the communication practices of the Open Science. To this end, in "Comments for the Editor", the author is asked to inform: (a) whether the Submission appears on any article preprint server and, if so, its location; (b) whether authors wish to make data, program codes, and other materials available to the scientific community; and, (c) if they desire options of openness in the peer review process (publication of reviews). Reviewers are asked about their desire to make available the disclosure of reviews of approved articles.

5) Other principles
- Information about property, copyrights, and/or management of the journal are explicitly indicated in the “about” section on the website of the journal.
- This journal does not charge any fee for submission, assessment, or publication, but may require the translation of the article by the author.

- When submitting a study involving participation of human subjects (their data or biological material), authors must include a statement confirming that the study was approved by a research ethics committee (including the name of the ethics committee) and certifying that the study was carried out in accordance with the ethical standards set out in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its supplements..

6) Formation of the editorial team
The editorial team is composed of researchers with scientific prestige who represent the different theoretical visions related to the thematic sections proposed in the RPD. The activity of the members of this team is voluntary and unpaid.

The team is composed of an editorial board and ad hoc evaluators. The role of the members of this Committee is to support the Editor in his decisions in the editorial process.

The editorial board must necessarily be multi-institutional and composed of scientifically and geographically distributed specialists covering different regions of Brazil and / or other countries. Recruitment, follow-up and eventual replacement of members is done by the Editor. The members of this Council must hold a doctorate for at least two years and have significant scientific and technical production in their area of expertise.

The evaluating committee is responsible for analyzing and issuing opinions on articles submitted to the journal. The development of your activities should follow the guidelines of the peer review process. This group must necessarily be multi-institutional and composed of uniformly distributed experts. The process of recruiting, monitoring assignments and, eventually, replacing ad hoc evaluators is done by the Editor. The members of this group must have relevant bibliographic production and minimum degree of master and desirable doctor, issued by a Stricto Sensu Brazilian Postgraduate Program, recognized by CAPES or in Foreign Graduate Programs equivalent to Stricto Sensu in Brazil with quality Recognized. External ad hoc evaluators may be invited to issue opinions for possible special thematic editions or when not available evaluators are available and have the technical knowledge to evaluate a theme.




  • Certify that the content and format of their article is appropriate for the selected journal.
  • Certify that their article contains appropriate citations and properly identifies third party source material.
  • Certify that this is the correct journal to publish their article.
  • Confirm the authenticity and originality of their article.
  • Declare any potential conflicts of interest that may be caused by their article.
  • Guarantee that article is not undergoing an evaluation process at another journal.
  • Guarantee the integrity of the data presented in their article.
  • State that articles does not contain any slanderous or defamatory statements and does not infringe on any third party intellectual property, commercial or industrial rights.
  • The author who submits the article, who is the main author, declares that all the authors who have signed the article to be published have made effective contributions to its creation and preparation.
  • Will immediately notify the editor if any errors are identified in the article and will contribute to their immediate correction, whether before publication and/or in connection with the publication of errata, when the error is identified after publication.


  • Assures that the journal will contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
  • Guarantees ethical conduct, integrity, impartiality, transparency and agility in communicating with the various actors involved in the submission, evaluation and publication processes.
  • Guarantees integrity, impartiality, confidentiality and transparency in the scientific certification process for the articles submitted for publication.
  • Guarantees quality, originality, rigor, coherence, and diversity of thought in the works approved for publication.
  • States that ethical conduct has been followed in all the processes involving the submission, double blind review process and the publication of articles.
  • Vouches for the journal viability and development together with the scientific, academic and business communities.
  • Will define and put in place preventive policies and sanctions in situations involving bad ethical conduct.
  • Will establish and manage conflict of interest policies for the various actors who participate in the scientific certification and publication process.
  • Will make every effort to constantly improve the journal.



  • Will alert the editor-in-chief about possible conflicts of interest that could prejudice the integrity of their actions as members of the journal’s Editorial Board.
  • Will contribute to journal expansion.
  • Will not use, under any circumstances, privileged information to which they have access to as members of the Editorial Board.
  • Will reinforce, together with academic scientific community, the practice of ethical conduct in all the journal processes involving the submission, double blind review and publication of articles.
  • State that ethical conduct has been followed in all the processes involving the submission, double blind review and publication of articles.
  • Guarantee a high standard of ethical conduct, integrity, impartiality, transparency and agility in communicating with the various actors involved in the submission, evaluation and publication processes.
  • Will immediately alert their immediate manager about possible conflicts of interest that could prejudice the integrity of their actions as members of the journal’s Editorial Staff.
  • Will suggest themes for especial issues.



  • State that ethical conduct has been followed in all the processes involving the review and scientific certification of articles submitted for publication.
  • Will alert the editor-in-chief about similar published or submitted works and/or any other information relevant to adhering to this publication’s ethical standards.
  • Assure confidentiality, impartiality and integrity in evaluating the article.
  • Will suggest suitable active reviewers with experience directly related to the specific area of the article submitted for publication.
  • State that they will contribute effectively to the improvement of the paper, stimulating reviewers to review the work critically, offering suggestions for improvement and complementing their respective reviews.
  • Agree to complete the evaluation in the timeframe agreed to with the editor.
  • Will alert the editor-in-chief about any possible conflicts of interest that would prejudice the integrity of the evaluation process.
  • Will be reference in terms of ethical conduct and integrity.
  • Assure confidentiality, impartiality and integrity in evaluating the article.
  • Will not use, under any circumstances, privileged information to which they have had access as a reviewer.
  • Promise to contribute to the effective improvement of the paper, with critical and constructive reviews.
  • Agree to complete the evaluation within the timeframe agreed to with the editor.
  • Will alert the editor about any possible conflicts of interest that could prejudice the integrity of the evaluation process.
  • Will alert the editor about any similar published or submitted articles