


safety culture, QHSE, management system, maturity.


The aim of this paper is to present a model that quantifies the level of QHSE culture maturity in a segment of the oil and gas industry, with recommendations to increase the level of QHSE awareness. The theoretical reference is based on the understanding of the premises about safety culture and its aspects, while the methodological approach of this article is based on an exploratory study supported by a research with QHSE specialists in the segment. After analyzing the results and discussions, it was verified that the safety maturity level is high but needs some improvement points. Results showed that the presented evaluation method can be effective to evaluate the current state of the safety maturity, however, it is necessary to follow some basic prerequisites for its implementation.


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How to Cite

Orlando, A. G. S., Lima, G. B. A., & Abreu, C. G. S. (2019). ASSESSMENT OF MATURITY LEVEL: A STUDY OF QHSE CULTURE. Revista Produção E Desenvolvimento, 5.



Management Affairs