The behavior of wine consumer from serra catarinense




serra catarinense, behavior, consumption, geographical indication, high altitude wines, wine routes


Objective: The article aims to understand the behavior of wine consumers in the Serra Catarinense region. Methodology: an online questionnaire prepared on the Google Forms platform was applied, consisting of 20 questions (07 questions for the characterization of the sample, 04 questions for consumer behavior and 09 questions for consumption characteristics). Results: The results show that the proportion of female and male respondents is similar, the respondents' purchasing power is high compared to the country's minimum wage, academic training is high, most have undergraduate and/or postgraduate degrees, monthly wine consumption is from 1 to 5 bottles, they have a medium level of knowledge and the most important attribute at the time of purchase was aroma, texture and flavor, followed by price and promotion. Limitations: The number of valid responses (125 respondents) limits generalizations about the survey results. Originality: The Serra Catarinense, the coldest region in Brazil that has the Geographical Indication of Denomination of Origin for high altitude wine. As it is a region with a large wine production, knowing the consumer profile will have an important contribution in marketing actions, both for those who produce and for those who sell it.


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Author Biographies

Anahi Macario de Eveche, Instituto Federal de Santa Catarina

Graduated in Business Administration from the State University of Western Paraná (2012-2014). She has experience in the area of Administration, with emphasis on Personnel Department. In 2015 she served as a substitute professor at the Federal Institute of Santa Catarina-Campus Lages, teaching classes for technical courses and also for continuing education courses (FIC). She worked in a third-party company as a migration assistant for the Federal Police from 2008 to 2012 and as a ballot box technician at the service of the Electoral Forum during the years 2005, 2006, 2008 and 2010.

Monica Liberato, Universidade Federal de Sergipe

PhD student in Intellectual Property Sciences at UFS, Master in Tourism at IFS, Master in Marketing at the University of Lisbon (revalidated by the Master's Degree in Administration at UFPB), Specialist in HR Management at Faculdade São Luis de França. Graduated in Marketing from Faculdade Alagoana de Tecnologia. She was for 2 years administrative / financial director of SMTT in são Cristóvão / SE. She was Project Coordinator for the Municipal Secretariat for Social Action and Citizenship for 4 years and served as traffic education coordinator for SMTT in Aracaju. She was Professor of the Administration and HR Management courses at Faculdade Maurício de Nassau (2013-2016) and Grupo Tiradentes (2018-2022). She has experience in HR processes, Marketing and project development. Today she is a substitute professor at IFSC-Lages, a member of the research group Tourism, Education and Culture and researches the tourism innovation ecosystem. and member of the Marketing research group in the IFSC Lidere program in partnership with Beja/Pt.


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How to Cite

Eveche, A. M. de, & Liberato, M. (2022). The behavior of wine consumer from serra catarinense. Revista Produção E Desenvolvimento, 8(1), e620.



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