Yeld, meat products, sensory analysis.Abstract
The work aimed at developing formulations of hamburger using the chia mixed flour, oats and linseed, as a partial replacement to textured soy protein (PTS), commonly used in this product. Income analyzes, instrumental color and sensory analysis, were carried out indicating that the addition of 3% of the mixed flour reduced the loss of water after baking, indicating the probable contribution of the fibers present in the seed used for the preparation of flour for moisture retention in the product. Regarding color, significant differences (p<0.05) between the burgers were identified only in instrumental analysis, not being noticed by the sensory panelists. For sensory analysis, only the taste and texture attributes were significantly different, with higher averages for the formulation added to mixed flour, which contributed to the high levels of acceptability, above 70%. It highlights the possibility of product preparation adding new ingredients, examples of the chia mixed flour, oats and linseed, however there is a need for further analysis to characterize the hamburger.Downloads
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