Horticulture, Alternative Markets, Farmer’s Markets, Online Sales, CertificationAbstract
The aim of this paper is to analyze the production and marketing structure of a certified family establishment for organic food production in New York State and compare it with the scientific literature. In order to establish a high coordination between the production and commercialization processes, the farmer uses a productive and business planning supported by detailed records of previous seasons and sales and constant attention to the movements and trends of the markets and of the consumers of his products. Thus, it is verified that the productive activities are oriented by a schedule elaborated according to the expectations of demand for each moment of the productive season. On the marketing side, organic certification proves to be a competitive advantage and a way of adding value to the product, and it enables access to different marketing channels, what allows the farmer to reach different groups of consumers. In this case, the direct marketing, especially in the Farmer's Market, is the most relevant marketing channel for both amount of products and revenue share.Downloads
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