Summertime overheating of bedrooms in north Argentina
heatwave, sleeping comfort, night PMVResumo
Purpose: to evaluate the thermal conditions of bedrooms during nighttime in three family houses in Salta City, Argentina, during January 2023 including a heat wave episode. Methodology/Approach: air indoor temperature and humidity were registered at 15-minute intervals with HOBO data-loggers, in three houses. Thermal comfort during sleeping was evaluated through the modified PMV-PPD model of Lan et al. (2018), which considers the body part in contact with the bed. Findings: temperatures exceeded 26°C in the non-conditioned house. The bedroom with AC showed better thermal performance, with 5% of the hours exceeding 26°C. Only 12% of the hours in the non-conditioned house were in comfort, and 40-42% in the conditioned ones. About 60-85% of the hours were categorized as “slightly warm”, and up to 24% as “warm”. Ceiling fan was estimated to reduce the discomfort hours by about 44%. Research Limitation/implication: data were measured over a single month (January) and one single heatwave event. Low number of monitored houses makes difficult to generalize the results. Originality/Value of paper: this study brings new information about sleeping conditions and comfort in Latin America. It should be understood as a case study that opens a discussion on overheating risks of bedrooms in this region.Downloads
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