University extension for developing urban planning public policies: a territorial governance approach
higher education institution,, public management, urban planning, semiarid, extension serviceAbstract
Purpose: The study aims to analyze the contributions of the extension practice of Federal Rural University of the Semi-Arid (UFERSA), in the elaboration of public policies aimed at urban planning in the city of Pau dos Ferros/RN. Methodology/Approach: This is exploratory-descriptive research that uses content analysis of qualitative information collected through the application of 10 semi-structured interviews with subjects who participated in this process. Findings: The empirical results point to the need to better adapt the practice to formal aspects and also to the need to implement systematization processes in the relationship with society, especially with political agents. Research Limitation/implication: Need for qualitative information, through structured interviews with the actors involved, in order to deepen the assessment regarding the contributions and aspects to be improved in this cooperation action between universities and society. Originality/Value of paper: The use of the criteria that guide the practice of territorial governance recommended in the Dallabrida model (2017) is intended to be a model of an analysis tool that helps public universities to identify in their extension practices the aspects that allow the assessment of good governance and, consequently, relationship with society.Downloads
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