Land property: a concept in two lines




property rights, literature, torto arado


The article intends to contribute to the discussion on the use of literature as a complementary reference for the study of property relations in Brazil. Based on the content of a research report that builds the trajectory of the concept of property in the country, we developed an analysis of the book Torto Arado, by Itamar Vieira Junior, which narrates the life of a family in the backlands of Bahia. Reading the two works together allowed us to identify points of convergence between the different historical moments of the concept of property and the times and events that took place in the lives of the protagonists of Torto Arado's sisters. We therefore consider that the text contributes to broadening the debate on the limits and potential of the use of literary narrative to prove, and illustrate, historical facts.


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Author Biography

Gislene Pereira, Universidade Federal do Paraná

Architect and Urban Planner from the Federal University of Paraná, Master in Urban and Regional Planning from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and PhD in Environment and Development from the Federal University of Paraná. She is currently an associate professor at the Federal University of Paraná. She has experience in the area of Urban and Regional Planning, with an emphasis on Urban Policy, working on the following topics: urban management, urban policy, real estate market and city structuring and urban planning.


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How to Cite

Pereira, G. (2021). Land property: a concept in two lines. Revista Produção E Desenvolvimento, 7.


