About the Journal
RPD. Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento is a scientific journal edited and published by the Master´s Degree in Regional Development and Productive Systems sponsored by Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca, Rio de janeiro, RJ, Brazil.
Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento publishes theoretical and empirical articles resulting from originating research from various areas that study urban dynamics and productive systems, such as urban and regional planning, architecture and urbanism, design, management, public policies, geography, engineering, science of information and environment.
Topics and areas to publish include, but are not limited to:
-Territory, life experience, identity and attitudes of the resident
-Territorial management and territorial public policies
-Public services and development
-Socio-natural risks and disasters in urban and rural areas
- productive systems
-Management and organizational performance
-Others related to urban planning
Mission: to promote transdisciplinary scientific research with studies that contribute to improving the urban environment, people's quality of life and the performance of organizations.
The journal publishes scientific and technological research articles in three languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese. The submission of articles for publication in the journal is free. RPD accepts articles in preprint, as long as they are not submitted to other journal.
The published material serves the interests of researchers, professors, students and managers. Submissions, review and publications of articles are free, with no charge.
The abbreviated title of RPD is Rev. Prod. Desenv., which can be used in bibliographies, footnotes, bibliographical references, and strips. The title in English is Research in Production and Development.
Costs related to journal hosting and maintenance of its repository are the responsibility of Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca.
Instructions for submitting proposals for special issues
Revista Produção e Desenvolvimento (RPD) receives proposals for special issues all year round. Proposals must include the following:
- A mail can be sent to editor: jose.mello@cefet-rj.br
- Must include:
- Títle of the special issue
- The name, email address, orcid and biography of invited editors
- Special Issue Information details
- Key topics of the special issue
- Special issue's relevance
Publication Frequency: Continuous publication
Submissions and rejections:
2022: 35 submissions and 23% rejected.
2021: 35 submissions and 48% rejected.
2020: 42 submissions and 57% rejected.
2019: 40 submissions and 62% rejected.
2018: 68 submissions and 32% rejected.
2017: 52 submissions and 44% rejected.
Core Practices and Open Access Policy
RPD adopts the policies of compliance and promotion of ethics in scientific communication recommended by the COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics) practices, by the recommended practices of San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), by WMA declaration of Helsinki, and adopted CRediT Taxonomy for all its articles.
Authors are recommended to include their articles in social networks such as Researchgate and institutional repositories once the article has been published or made visible on the journal page, without forgetting to include the digital document identifier and the name of the journal.
RPD publishes its articles under a Creative Commons license. To view a copy of this license, visit CC BY - 4.0 Internacional. By sending collaborations to RPD, it will be understood that the authors know and subscribe to the conditions established under that license. RPD reserves the right to make changes to adapt the written content and/or the graphic to editing requirements.
Indexers / Directories