Pact for secondary education and curriculum: reflections from formation books and final report of PNEM Rondônia
PNEM/Rondônia, curriculum, education.Abstract
The vocation of this article is to discuss the dimensions of the existing secondary school curriculum in the continuing education of the federal government titled "Pacto Nacional pelo Fortalecimento do Ensino Médio- PNEM" for the teachers of the state school system of Rondonia. This training allowed seeing with new eyes the pedagogical practices of teachers with the subject of the last stage of basic education. Therefore, it takes a qualitative approach, and its methodological approach relies on the analysis of the formation of the notebooks used by course participants and the final report prepared by the educational program coordinator in the state of Rondônia. Even though our research still in development, the theoretical basis and data collection phase, we rely on the multiculturalist theory, as in Freire's pedagogy, which raises the critical reading, questioning and intervention in reality. We understand that curriculum policies are hybrid, polyphonic, produced by discourses that circulate in different educational space- time. We understand that the curriculum as a social instrument is built collectively, with the participation of each subject to enforce the quality of education in secondary school territories.Downloads
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