The role of academic institutions in regional development: A bibliometric analysis
academic institutions, universities, engaged universities, regional development, bibliometricsAbstract
Purpose: analysis of the panorama of scientific production on the relationship between academic institutions and regional development considering the parameters of bibliometrics. Methodology/Approach: quantitative and empirical research with an exploratory purpose and bibliometric approach aimed at measuring and diagnosing the selected themes. Findings: the analysis of 1,109 papers from 1937 to 2023 revealed the growing interest of researchers in the topics and showed that academic institutions are central to shaping and promoting regional progress, as they contribute beyond formal education, becoming catalysts for research, innovation, strategic expertise and community engagement. Research Limitation/Implication: bibliometric study based on the Scopus database, which is broad in scope, and can be complemented by new bibliometric studies on the selected topics incorporating other databases, or by systematic literature review studies, in order to allow in-depth analysis of the main results obtained. Originality/Value of Paper: mapping the evolution of selected themes in the scientific literature in an articulated manner, revealing impacts, critical aspects and trends, and at the same time highlighting the patterns of interaction between researchers, universities, organizations and countries, thus contributing to the advancement of academic research in the field of Applied Social Sciences.Downloads
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