Regional performance of brazilian engineering students in Enade (2005 to 2017) using bloom's revised taxonomy (TBR)
territory, tbr, brazil, engineering, enade, inepAbstract
Objectives: This article aims to analyze the regional performance of Production Engineering courses at Brazilian higher education institutions that participated in the National Student Performance Examination (Enade) in the years 2005, 2008, 2011, 2014 and 2017. Methodology: This exploratory study is based on quali-quanti and uses Bloom's Revised Taxonomy (TBR) to classify and group issues, students and institutions by geographic dimensions. Limitation: due to difficulties in collecting more recent data from Enade, it was decided to keep stable and complete data. Results: The results highlight lower performances in certain regions of the Brazilian territory. An effective evaluation policy would propose actions to change the scenario that seems to be perpetuated by all the evaluation instruments by which the institutions of the North region were evaluated and, presented in almost all dimensions, a lower performance, which suggests the need to evaluate with greater caution demands for resources from institutions in that territory. Originality: The study shows regional differences in the performance of Engineering students based on the TBR.Downloads
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