Fleuriet accounting model for decision-making in Brazilian Agricultural and processed food subsectors
fleuriet, decision-making, food sector, accounting, market value, statistical correlationAbstract
Purpose: this article aims to apply a model to assess the financial and accounting situation of companies in the selected Agricultural and Processed Food and Livestock economic subsectors, using accounting analysis tools and statistical support identify correlations between the fleuriet dynamic model indicators with traditional indicators and stock market indicators. Methodology/Approach: This research is framed as a documental study with B3 portal information at the national level of companies operating in Brazil. Findings: The dynamic model indicators are correlated with both traditional indicators and stock market indicators, but with the exception of a few isolated cases, the ROI and ROE indicators did not have such a high correlation rate with the others. There was a high correlation between the indicators CDG, NDG and T, with positive and negative variations depending on the studied typology. Research Limitation/implication: can register not full disponible of the company's market values for the survey recent years so that the statistical analysis could be carried out using these data. Originality/Value of paper: Fleuriet's dynamic model appears can be used in order to identify the real financial situation of organizations and thus generate more confidence in managers for decision-making.Downloads
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