Board game proposal for cultural enhancement of territory and brazilian folklore




brazilian folklore, game, elementary tetrad, procedural rhetoric, active methodologies


Objective: The article proposes to stimulate discussions focused on the valorization of Brazilian popular culture. The game focuses on a confrontation theme between some of the folklore creatures telling the story through the battle rules, being developed from traditional game mechanics. Methodology/Approach: It was created using Tetrade Elementar as a base, which presents four inspired elements as essential for the formation of games: mechanics, which seeks to define the game procedures; the narrative, presenting a story through desse jogo; aesthetics, which explores the appearance of the game to be developed in order to attract the attention of its players; and technology, which reveals the physical environment by which will be interacting with the game. Findings: it is a competitive and cooperative board game that arises to playfully address issues related to Brazilian folklore, as an alternative to present and instigate players about culture and stories. Limitations: turn the game more immersive and captivating, as well as more balanced immunity to the abilities of some characters. Originality/Value of the article: new approaches to learning any subject in a playful, an innovative way, with the potential to contribute to the common national curriculum base (BNCC).


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Author Biographies

Marcus Vinícius Coutinho Parreiras, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

PhD student in the Systems and Computing Engineering Program at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Master in Regional Development and Productive Systems by the Federal Center for Technological Education Celso Suckow da Fonseca (CEFET). Degree in Production Engineering from the Federal Center for Technological Education (CEFET). He works as a business consultant in the areas of BPM (Business Process Management), Lean Six-sigma, Planning, Programming and Production Control, Project Management, and Logistics and Supply Chain Management. He participated in the Young Talents of Science program in 2013, with a project on Urban Mobility. Interested in game theory and game design and development.

Tales Mello Paiva, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Master's student in Software Engineering at UFRJ (PESC/COPPE). Bachelor in Production Engineering from UFRJ-Macaé, with research developed in the areas of Information Process Automation, Business Process Management (BPM) and Port Logistics. Former International Fellow of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of the Japanese Government for the Technologist in Electronic Engineering course at Osaka Electronics College (Japan), focus on the area of Robotics (Project and Programming of Automata) , with revalidation of diploma by the Federal Institute of São Paulo (Process nº 23305.000544/2014-56 of IFSP) and professional title of Technologist in Industrial Electronics by CREA-RJ. 

Clinton Pessoa, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Clinton holds a degree in Software Engineering from the Federal University of Amazonas (2021) and is currently doing a master's degree in Systems and Computing Engineering from the Alberto Luiz Coimbra Institute of Graduate Studies and Engineering Research (2022). He is a member of the Software Engineering line of the Systems Engineering Program at COPPE / UFRJ in the field of experimentation. His current lines of research include: IoT, Requirements Engineering and Security.

Yasmin Barbosa Lima, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Former student of the Visual Design Communication course at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. She currently works as a 2D Rigger and Prop Designer at Copa Studio. In games, she has worked with electronic and board games, acting as Artist and Game Designer.

Geraldo Xexéo, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro

Possui graduação em Engenharia Eletronica pelo Instituto Militar de Engenharia (1988) e doutorado em Engenharia de Sistemas e Computação pelo Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de Pós Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia (1994). Atualmente é chefe da linha de Engenharia de Dados e Conhecimento do Programa de Engenharia de Sistemas da COPPE/UFRJ, onde também coordena dois laboratórios, o LUDES - Ludologia, Engenharia e Simulação, e o LINE - Tratamento da Informação Não-Estruturada. Suas linhas de pesquisa atuais incluem duas vertentes: Jogos e Mineração de Texto. Em jogos, desenvolve trabalhos em Game Science, Game Engineering, Game Design e Ludologia.


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How to Cite

Parreiras, M. V. C., Paiva, T. M., Pessoa, C., Lima, Y. B., & Xexéo, G. (2022). Board game proposal for cultural enhancement of territory and brazilian folklore. Revista Produção E Desenvolvimento, 8(1), e609.



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