Public transport accessibility to hospitals in the city of Córdoba: a comparative analysis in times of a pandemic (2019-2021)
urban mobility, accessibility, public hospitalsAbstract
Purpose: to evaluate the potential accessibility to public hospitals between 2019 and 2021. Methodology/Approach: comparative analysis of travel times by public transport, calculated using the r5r package in R with the GTFS provided by the municipality. Findings: for the three hospital categories evaluated, travel times increased around 20% in the study period, and the most vulnerable quintiles of population increased their travel times 8 points above the less vulnerable quintiles. Research Limitation/implication: travel times were calculated with programmed schedules and frequencies and fixed values of maximum travel time and maximum walking distance. Originality/Value of paper: comparative analysis pre-COVID and during COVID of geographical accessibility to healthcare centers. Use of the r5r package that allows changes in the parameters to calculate travel times such as maximum walking distance, maximum travel time, departure time or percentiles.Downloads
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