City and literature: approaches and readings




literature and city, circulation of ideas, urban cultural history


Purpose: This article discusses the circulation of ideas about cities, highlighting the interdisciplinarity as a relevant way to understand urban experiences and complexities. More specifically, we are interested in how literary narratives can help us to read the urban history and the urban cultural context from a tripartite filter composed by representation, interpretation and appropriation of reality and discourse. Methodology: This debate is divided into two main moments; the first concerns an author's intention to represent a certain urban reality, and the second is interested in the propagation of the text among different types of readers. Results: It shows that the writing, it’s intention and the apprehension of its message can also influence perceptions and attitudes about cities, their spatiality, and their management. Contribution: We emphasize the value of considering partialities of literature (in writing and reading it), considering subjectivities and contexts of the author, its work, and the reader in a process in which ideas are assimilated, propagated, and transformed between different scenarios.


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Author Biography

Manoela Jazar, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná

Architect and urban planner, with a master's and doctorate degree in Urban Management from the Post-Graduate Program in Urban Management at the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUCPR). CAPES/FA Scholarship. Member of the editorial board of the Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana - urbe, since 2016. Areas of interest: transfers and circulation of ideas in the urban space, urban methodologies, urban studies, interdisciplinarity, city history, investigative gaps, relations between cities and literature.


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How to Cite

Jazar, M. (2021). City and literature: approaches and readings. Revista Produção E Desenvolvimento, 7.


