A management instrument for team performance evaluation





team performance, evaluation instrument, production teams, performance evaluation


Purpose: This article aims to develop an instrument to assess the collective performance of work teams' production. Associated with this, this evaluation instrument is applied to two production teams from the same company in Santa Catarina, to validate it. Methodology: The study is characterized as descriptive, quantitative and survey strategy. In order to develop the performance evaluation instrument, the literature review presented was taken as a starting point to guide the selection of the 10 indicators and 30 evaluation criteria enabling the elaboration f the questionnaire. Results: In general, it is possible to observe that the teams performed “good” in most of their indicators, and none of the indicators showed “poor”, “bad” or “regular” evaluations. It is suggested to develop some strategies to overcome the weakness shown by the communication indicator in both teams. Regarding the use of the instrument, it proved to be adequate to assess the collective performance, pointing out its strengths and weaknesses. Limitation: Singularity of application in a single company, not allowing generalizations to be made to other production teams. Originality: The proposal of an instrument to evaluate production teams ‘performance, indicating the team’s strengths and weaknesses.


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Author Biographies

Luiz Henrique da Silva, University of São Paulo

Master in Administration from the University of Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI (2020), area of concentration in Strategy, Management and Society. He served as a member of the Research Group on Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Innovation - NUPLEI in the Postgraduate Program in Administration - PPGA of the University of Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI (2018-2020). Specialist in MBA in People Management from the University Nove de Julho - UNINOVE (2019). Specialist in Business and Management from Instituto Federal Catarinense - IFC (2019). Specialist in Control of Municipal Public Management by the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC (2015). Graduated in Business Administration from the Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC (2018). Graduated in Foreign Trade from the University of Vale do Itajaí - UNIVALI (2010).

Tatiana Ghedine, University of Vale do Itajaí

PhD in Administration from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) Professor at the School of Business, Graduate Program in Administration (PPGA) and Professional Master's Program in Business Management, Internationalization and Logistics (PMPGIL) at the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI).  

Christiane Mendes Drozdek Pereira, University of Vale do Itajaí

PhD student in Administration, University of Vale do Itajaí. Master in Business Administration from Universidade Vale do Itajaí. Specialist in Strategic People Management by the National Graduate Institute. Pedagogue by Associação Catarinense de Ensino. She is currently a Professor of Higher Education at UniSociesc (Grupo Ânima Educação) face-to-face and at distance in several courses of the institution-disciplines focused on People Management; Psychology; Pedagogy and Strategic Management. Online teacher and content writer; Professor of Course Completion Works; Coordinator of the Discipline Integrator Project: Interdisciplinary Project, Projects and Social Report and People Management and Coordinator of the Academic Management Week. Graduate Professor at the National Graduate Institute (INPG), professor of the discipline: Health, Safety and Quality of Life at Work. She worked at Dentscare / FGM Produtos Odontológicas for fifteen years, having the opportunity to implement the People Management area. She actively participated in Internal Projects of Human Development, Business Management, Quality Management and Management by Processes.

Sônia Regina Lamego Lino, Federal Institute Catarinense

Post-doctorate, Postgraduate Course in Administration / UFSC (2018-2019). PhD in Engineering and Knowledge Management / UFSC (2013). Master in Administration / UFSC (2001). Specialist in Public Management / PNAP / CAPES / IFSC (2012). Specialist in Technical Vocational Education of Middle Level Integrated to High School in the Youth and Adult Modality / CEFET / SC (2007). Bachelor of Business Administration / UFSC (1990). Improvement in School of Government / Public Policy / UDESC (1995). Improvement in International Trade / UNIVALI (1995). Federal Public Servant, appointed in the position of Professor of Basic, Technical and Technological Education, of IFC - Instituto Federal Catarinense (2010), technical courses, technologist, graduation, post-graduation; research; extension and management. Advisor Professor at UAB - UNIVERSIDADE ABERTA DO BRASIL (UAB) PROGRAM, from IFSC - Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, in distance mode, for the Lato Sensu Specialization Course in Public Management (2006 - 2009). Federal Public Servant, appointed in the position of Assistant in Administration, IFSC - Federal Institute of Santa Catarina (1992 - 2010), graduate professor and manager. Professor and advisor in the Administration area, at UNIVALI - University of Vale do Itajaí (2000 - 2005). Professor of Administration at UFSC - Federal University of Santa Catarina (1997 - 1998) and Member of the team of INPEAU - Institute of Studies and Research in University Administration, of the Postgraduate Program in Administration, CPGA / UFSC, since 2012. Professor of Administration at UDESC - University of Development of the State of Santa Catarina (1998 and 2006). Internship coordinator, professor and advisor in the Administration area at FADEC - Faculdade Decision (2003 - 2009). Ad doc consultant for the Evaluation of Higher Courses in the Management Area (Bachelor and Technologist) SINAES / INEP / MEC, since 2006. Journal reviewer: Revista GUAL (UFSC) and Revista EIXO (IFB). Has experience in the area of ​​Administration, with emphasis on Administration of Educational Organizations, acting mainly on the following themes: Knowledge Management, Public Management, Education Management, Social Responsibility and People Management, with registration number 4,023 with CRA / SC - Council Regional Administration of Santa Catarina.

Alessandra Yula Tutida, University of Vale do Itajaí

PhD student in Administration at the University of Vale do Itajaí (UNIVALI). Master in Business - M.A Leadership and Management - Webster University (2011) U.S.A. Bachelor in Modern Languages, Degree in Portuguese / English. (UEL State University of Londrina / PR 2004). University Professor - UNIASSELVI? FAMESUL / SC and member of the NDE (Structuring Teaching Unit of the Business Administration Course) for the courses in Business Administration, Production Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering in the disciplines of Project Management, International Business, Corporate Communication, Fundamentals of Marketing, Factory Design, Strategic Management of Marketing and Management, Standardization and Certification for Quality and Supervised Internship I for Mechanical Engineering. Experience in the United States in International Business, Import / Export and logistics. Auditing in the area of ​​IT, projects and people management. Conflict resolution between customers and company. Leadership of Symantec Partner Programs in Latin America, North America and Europe.


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How to Cite

Silva, L. H. da, Ghedine, T., Pereira, C. M. D., Lino, S. R. L., & Tutida, A. Y. (2021). A management instrument for team performance evaluation. Revista Produção E Desenvolvimento, 7. https://doi.org/10.32358/rpd.2021.v7.511



Management Affairs