Passenger rail transport and mobility: user's view about service level and safety
mobility, sustainable, behavior, quality, management, well-beingAbstract
Purpose: presents and categorizes the main problems registered by users of urban trains in the state of Rio de Janeiro, and makes an analysis of episodes of violence, crossing this data with the categories of service levels. Methodology: a documentary to verify recorded and reported occurrences on the temporary discontinuation of the users' dissatisfaction service shown in the complaints made in the years 2018 and 2019. Findings: security news refers to stations that are located in admittedly violent neighborhoods in the northern part of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Shootings paralyze the circulation of trains and affect the level of services offered by the concessionaire, as they cause the non-compliance with the programmed frequency, the increase in travel time, the feeling of insecurity in stations, trains and integrations and, consequently, the loss of service reliability. Research Limitation / implication: The search referred to the period from January 2018 to December 2019, and applying the filters referring to the central theme, 57 valid news items were obtained for categorization and analysis. Originality: contributes to highlight criticisms at the service level and proposes an agenda for studies that contribute to offering safe, comfortable trips, and at acceptable times/costs.Downloads
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