Educational Evaluation of the Federal University of Latin American Integration, Brazil
multicultural education, evaluation technique, multidimensional analysis, regression econometric model, reliability and validityAbstract
Purpose: Analyzes satisfaction with the Federal University of Integration of Latin America (UNILA). Focused on the development of a new educational scheme in Latin America, being a university more open to change, multicultural, bilingual and Latin American. Methodology: the institutional evaluation quantitative methodology would be applied by the multidimensional method, being able to contemplate all the specificities of the academic community. Findings: This study answers four hypotheses that are within the four large educational dimensions evaluated. The results show that there are around 62% of satisfaction throughout the university, but they also indicate a concern for international, social and educational cooperation. Research Limitation: The main limitation of the investigation is related to the period of time considered (one year). Therefore, it is recommended to verify the results obtained in this study, carrying out a longitudinal investigation (considering more years). Originality: We generated a model that is oriented towards a generic measurement of satisfaction and it was builted considering the four distinguishing dimensions required by Educational Minister. All results were analyzed in a linear regression econometric model that were show us the level of significance of each question.Downloads
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