Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro in the context of higher education expansion of lula government
Baixada Fluminense, social responsability, public politics.Abstract
This article aims to describe part of the expansion process in higher education Rural Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRRJ, from the creation of the Multidisciplinary Institute of Nova Iguaçu, trying to analyze the implementation process of this Campus (2006-2009). In 2004, he began to consolidate a higher education politics that increased investment and promoted the expansion and internalization of Federal Universities. As part of this expansion, to serve the region of Baixada Fluminense, the Multidisciplinary Institute of the goals was the result of both expansion projects. However, the political and administrative context in which it was set resulted in quality discussions in higher education and the importance of Federal Universities as an expression of government policies, seeking to meet the mission and social responsibility of the public university with its surroundings and underserved populations.Downloads
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