Sustainable building in rural area: the remodeling and expansion of the health center n°132 in the department of Malargüe, Mendoza
bioclimatic architecture, energy conservation, sustainable developmentAbstract
Objective: the article results in the remodeling and expansion of Public Health Center No. 132 located in the rural locality of Bardas Blancas (Mendoza, Argentina) are presented, based on the incorporation of energy conservation strategies and passive and active solar systems. Methodology: using a quantitative approach, the construction and formal characteristics of the existing building and the expansion project were evaluated, along with the passive strategies to be employed based on local climatic conditions. In this way, it was possible to identify the improvements to be implemented in the remodeling and expansion of the building to achieve greater energy efficiency. Results: it demonstrates the importance of implementing passive heating strategies as well as those related to energy conservation to reduce the use of fossil fuels and enhance the quality of life within buildings, particularly in rural areas with issues related to services and infrastructure. Originality: It highlights the importance of public buildings starting to incorporate bioclimatic tools into their designs, with the idea that, in addition to reducing public spending associated with their operation, they become examples and educational elements in the field for the society that uses themDownloads
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