Study of energy and technological categories of building, for comprehensive training in the architectural design process




Energy, Design Process, Training, Architecture, Built Environment


Purpose: analyse, describe and systematize categories and variables related to technological and energy aspects in building, in favour of comprehensive approaches for the training of design process. Methodology: the paper proposes a descriptive-interpretative work. It unfolds according to three stages: conceptual, operative and interpretative. Bibliographic analysis, surveys, focus-groups, and post-active assessment are used as theoretical-conceptual tools. Findings: The inclusion of technological-energy efficiency, climate change and the impact of the built environment in the teaching of the design process cannot occur in an additive way, but rather in an integrated and systemic manner.  Therefore, we must recognize and work on the training of design thinking, interrelating knowledge, abilities, positioning and values, towards greater cultural coherence, technological-energy efficiency and environmental awareness. Research limitations/implication: The limitation of approaching a complex process (such as the teaching of architectural design) from a determined set of variables is recognized.  Likewise, its explanation is valuable for reflecting on teaching (and professional) actions and instituted practices. Originality/Value of paper: The originality of the work lies in presenting foundations and approach options to integrate energy and technological efficiency as a constitutive and unavoidable part of architectural design.


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How to Cite

Rodriguez, L. G., & Fernández, J. L. (2024). Study of energy and technological categories of building, for comprehensive training in the architectural design process. Revista Produção E Desenvolvimento, 10(1), e653.