Use of the Promethee II decision support method to evidence urban asymmetry in a brazilian city
territorial resources, residents' opinion, quality of life, multicriteria, nova iguaçuAbstract
Objectives: This study aims to rank the Regional Government Units of a Brazilian city to identify social asymmetries in the territory. Methodology: This research is characterized as exploratory with application of the PROMETHEE II decision support method. The methodology made it possible to highlight the asymmetries between the 9 Regional Government Units (URG). Limitation: the study does not generalize the results by neighborhood, but does an analysis by URG. Results: In 4 URGs the positive overclassification flow is greater than the negative overclassification flow. It is understood, therefore, that the other 5 regions are where the greatest asymmetries occur, being therefore, the regions most lacking in territorial resources, which can signal to policy makers what must be improved for the development of the quality of urban life. Originality: The results proved that the neighborhoods closest to the city center have more adequate territorial resources, providing better satisfaction.Downloads
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