Public libraries and social development: territorial distribution of brazilian public libraries and its impact on reading promotion
public libraries, socioeconomic development, readingAbstract
Objective: This article seeks to identify whether there is any correlation between the geographic distribution of these libraries and the socioeconomic development index of the five Brazilian regions, through the quantitative analysis of these spaces and data related to the reading habits of the populations in question, as well as the analysis of the regions' MHDI. Methodology/Approach: The methodology used an analysis of the results of the research Portraits of Reading in Brazil, and data on IDHM of each state obtained through IPEA - Institute of Applied Economic Research. Results: It was found that there is no direct correlation between the number of libraries available in each territory, the number of books read per person annually and the HDI of these places. Limitations: although it exclusively assesses the consumption of books and access to libraries, it provides a good social panorama of the situation of the reading community in our country. Originality/Value of the article: Public libraries are the cultural equipment with the greatest capillarity in the Brazilian national territory, present in all states of the federation and in the federal district. it is necessary to understand how libraries impact the development of their territories and the reading habits of their citizens.Downloads
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