Cultural itinerary “caminho para os ervais” as a proposal for regional development
development, patrimonialization, culture, social inequalityAbstract
Objective: to analyze socio-economic and heritage data known from the territory, allowing to outline heritage challenges and listing priorities based on regional vulnerabilities found. Method: To achieve this, a documentary survey was used together with a process of analysis of socioeconomic and heritage indicators, from several databases captured with the QGIS software. Results: Regional development can come through cultural elements, more precisely through territorial patrimonialization processes, where values are attributed to a mass of constant goods in a geographic space and, with this, it is possible to value the territory through a constructed symbology. As a result, the socioeconomic vulnerability of the region was perceived and the possibility of patrimonialization of several registered points were verified. Originality: This study deals with this symbolic construction where the objective falls on the patrimonialization process of a regional proposal to create a Cultural Itinerary in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, seeking to carry out an analysis of socioeconomic indicators and assets subject to patrimonialization in the west-south border region of the state.Downloads
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