Between architects and literates: images of lima as a latin american city (1950-1970)
Lime, latin american city, architecture and urbanism, literature, urban cultural historyAbstract
Purpose: This article intends to take the city of Lima between the 1940s and 1970s for an analysis exercise that relates the multiple dimensions that define cities, with an emphasis on the dimension of representations, seeking to contribute to urban cultural history in America Latin. Methodology: Crossing the specialized discourses of architects, urban planners and sociologists with the non-specialized discourses of literary narratives, within the framework of urban cultural history. Results: The period focused on is precisely the moment when the city is being modernized, experiencing the effects of the second post-war period. Like other cities on the sub-continent, Lima is experiencing the intensification of the urbanization process with consequences that still mark its landscape. The emergence of barriadas, precarious occupations around the historic town, contrasts with the investment in the construction of vecinales, large housing complexes that synthesize the efforts of urban and architectural modernization. Contribution to knowledge: When we read the narratives of the literati along with the texts of the architects published in the magazine El arquitecto peruano - EAP, we observe a long time to realize how the city modernization dependeds on these subjects that sprang up on the edges of the city.Downloads
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