Agricultural frontier, Agroindustrialization, Spatialization of capital, Space ProductionAbstract
Purpose: the objective of the article is to analyze the process of agroindustrialization and its contradictions in the Midwest region, from 1970 to 2010. Therefore, we considered the processes of industrialization and urbanization that occurred in the municipalities of Dourados/MS, Rondonópolis/MT and Rio Verde/GO important poles of Brazilian agribusiness. Methodology: the research used a literature review on the subject in online and print scientific journals, books, dissertations and other databases, gathering and comparing the different information found in the sources of consultation and listing the main transformations of socioeconomics from the municipalities studied. Findings: the investigation demonstrates that the territorial modernization and the spatialization of capital inserted the three municipalities into a higher socioeconomic standard without taking into account urban segregation, social inequality, poverty and the social and environmental problems of the new urban spaces that were opened in these municipalities. Research Limitation/implication: Among the limitations of the research, it is highlighted that it is possible to extend the analysis to other municipalities in the region. Further comparisons can also be made between industrial dynamics, service sector and labor market activities. Originality/Value of paper: The process of agroindustrialization and its contradictions in the Midwest region is still a little studied.Downloads
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