triple helix, technological parks, incubators, innovation, multidisciplinaryAbstract
The paper aims to analyze the characteristics of the publications of the annals of the conferences of the National Association of Entities Promoting Innovative Enterprises (Anprotec). We analyzed 201 papers published in the annals of Anprotec from 2013 to 2016, considering the intellectual distribution of researchers and other actors involved, their productivity and links with institutions, including the development of positive points and improvement of results. It was registered the presence of 147 institutions, 516 authors, and 24 thematic ones in the production and publication of the papers that constituted the sample searched. This study revealed the presence of different institutions, private and public organizations, characterizing the dissemination of the thematic in the productive spheres, academia, and government. Publications spread in geographic regions in Brazil, with a higher concentration in the Southeast, South, followed by the Northeast and Central-West. The most discussed themes were: entrepreneurship, incubators, innovation, innovation habitats, technological and multidisciplinary parks. In the years 2015 and 2016, the presence of emerging themes was registered, involving planning and management. Regarding the research findings, the emphasis is on the importance of innovation habitats to promote the entrepreneurial development of different regions.Downloads
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