Relato de Experiência sobre a criação do Laboratório Filosófico na Escola SESC

o caso de uma estratégia didática de preparação para as Olimpíadas Filosóficas e suas repercussões curriculares


  • Mateus Xavier Escola Sesc de Ensino Médio
  • André Vinícius Dias Senra
  • Daniel Vieira Inácio


Filosofia, Laboratorio, Olimpiada


The philosophical Olympiads fulfill an important pedagogical role related to philosophical references with regard to the transmission and exchange of ideas for the elaboration of an attitude of philosophical thought. This is because, contrary to the theme of academic knowledge, the Olympics establish conditions for a space for the development of free thinking from the student's experience. From the point of view of teaching, it should be noted that this symbolic space, related to the theme and learning of philosophical contents, is justified by the protagonism of students through participation in the production of philosophical knowledge. This text assumes a position that the importance of the project called Philosophical Laboratory, within the scope of the SESC High School, was fundamental for the preparation of the student body of this institution for the philosophical Olympiads.


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How to Cite

Xavier, M., André Vinícius Dias Senra, & Daniel Vieira Inácio. (2025). Relato de Experiência sobre a criação do Laboratório Filosófico na Escola SESC: o caso de uma estratégia didática de preparação para as Olimpíadas Filosóficas e suas repercussões curriculares. Estudos De Filosofia E Ensino, 3(2), 74–89. Retrieved from



Relatos de Experiência