Star Trek - Deep Space Nine in classroom

filosofia, política e alteridade na vizinhança de um wormhole


  • WILKE, V. C. L.' Unirio


The recurrent use of the moving image in my teaching practice raised questions, which led to the development of successive researches that addressed in particular the potentiality of the image in motion in the teaching-learning process and the perception of the film as a meaningful discourse. The movie is understood in our practice as a filmic text: an object in whose materiality are inscribed different codes that work in the cinematographic language and that also determine it as informational document. Therefore, in addition to the object of entertainment a movie has the possibility of being used as a pedagogical resource and social analysis. I will use as motto the political discussion-alterity-philosophy from a theme developed in episodes of TV series Star Trek Deep Space Nine.


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Author Biography

WILKE, V. C. L.', Unirio

Associate Professor, Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State / Unirio. PhD in Information Science from the Brazilian Institute of Information Science and Technology / UFF (2009). Master in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1996). Bachelor and degree in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (1991). Bachelor of Social Communication from the Federal University of Minas Gerais (1984). Has experience in Philosophy, acting on the following axes: philosophy and information, teaching philosophy, philosophy and gender, history and philosophy of science, philosophy in Brazil and Latin America.



How to Cite

Cristina Lopes Wilke, V. (2019). Star Trek - Deep Space Nine in classroom: filosofia, política e alteridade na vizinhança de um wormhole. Estudos De Filosofia E Ensino, 1(1), 57–84. Retrieved from