
  • Estudos de Filosofia e Ensino - V. 2, N. 1

    Filósofos e o medo da morte
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020)

    In the pandemic context of the year 2020, three philosophy professors from the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ) and the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Unirio) organized and offered, based on their research, the Extension course “ Philosophers and the fear of death ”. In addition to dialoguing directly with the affections and issues that marked, and still mark, the emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic, the course became a fruitful opportunity for dialogue and collaboration between researchers, teachers and students of Philosophy, of basic education to graduate school, from different institutions in Brazil. One of its fruits was the participation of the course proponents in the recording of the “Episode 2 - Philosophy and fear of death” of the Pensatório podcast, available on streaming platforms. Another result is precisely this issue of Revista Estudos de Filosofia, whose edition was in charge of Francisco José Dias de Moraes, one of those three responsible for offering the aforementioned Extension course, in addition to Bianca Vilhena and Marcelo Senna Guimarães, Philosophy professors and researchers who were students of the course and participated in the production of the podcast. The works that make up this issue are also the result of this dialogical and collaborative experience, caused by the reflections shared throughout the process and appropriated according to the different contexts of research and teaching of their authors.  
  • Estudos de Filosofia e Ensino

    Estudos de Filosofia e Ensino
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2019)

    O n´úmero atual da Revista Estudos de Filosofia e Ensino inaugura um percurso que se destina ao desenvolvimento e à pesquisa do ensinar e do aprender a filosofar, através do engajamento de professores, pesquisadores, estudantes e desenvolvedores de práticas filosóficas.