Morte, Medo e Transcendência em Pascal e Heidegger


  • Felipe Mandato Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
  • Francisco José Dias de Moraes


Fear of death; Pascal; Heidegger; Philosophy


Starting from Pascal and Heidegger, this article seeks to understand how these authors philosophically reflected on the “fear of death”. Based on the works "Thoughts" by Pascal and "Being and Time" by Heidegger, the aim of this article is to outline some aspects of their analyzes regarding existence and fear of death. For that, firstly, were considered analyzes on the condition of human existence in the terms of Pascal and Heidegger; secondly, it was verified how the relation between the being of the average daily life and the negligent man – product of the notion of divertissement – takes place with death. Then, going through the Paschalian “fear of death out of danger” and the Heideggerian “being-to-death”, it was analyzed to what extent death constitutes the fundamental instance for overcoming the existential decay condition.


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How to Cite

Mandato, F., & Moraes, F. J. D. de. (2021). Morte, Medo e Transcendência em Pascal e Heidegger. Estudos De Filosofia E Ensino, 2(1), 120–141. Retrieved from

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