Memórias de uma prática de ensino filosófico


  • Marcos Machado Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR


Narrative; Philosophy teaching; Teaching-learning; Experience; Resentment.


In this article, we will report a philosophical teaching practice conducted at high school level. During the development of this activity, the concepts of resentment, revenge and justice were studied, as interpreted by Friedrich Nietzsche in the book Genealogy of Moral. Progressively, these conceptions were also analyzed in other methodological resources, namely: HQ (V for revenge) from the British authors Allan More and David Lloyd; literature (Underground memories) from the Russian writer Fiódor Dostoiévski; image (Parable of the prodigal son) from the artist of the region of Antwerp Frans Francken II; jury (in loco) observation of one trial. After a philosophical investigation in this didactic sequence, the students materialized their reflections in the production of poems, short stories and dissertative-argumentative texts. In these productions, the student’s experiences with this philosophical teaching practice were expressed.


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How to Cite

Machado, M. (2021). Memórias de uma prática de ensino filosófico. Estudos De Filosofia E Ensino, 2(2), 37–51. Retrieved from



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